
Please find below the details of the 7 Processes of Prince2. Be free to use this to become even more succesful in your projects.

1. Starting up a Project (SU)

The purpose of this process is to answer the question, “Do we have a worthwhile and viable project?”. The project mandate is usually the only document that exists when this process starts, and this is not enough information for the Project Board to make the decision to start the Initiating a Project process (initation stage). Therefore, the purpose of this process is to provide the Project Board with the necessary information to judge if the project is worthwhile. They use the Project Brief, which will contain information on the Business Case. Another important purpose of the Starting Up a Project process is to prevent poor projects from starting up.


2. Initiating a Project (IP)

The purpose of the Initiating a Project process is to understand the work that needs to be done to deliver the required products. This understanding is needed before deciding to continue with the project. The Starting up a Project process checks if the project is viable, while Initiating a Project is about building a correct foundation for the project so that all stakeholders are clear on what the project will achieve.


3. Directing a Project (DP)

The objectives of the Directing a Project process are to provide authority (to make a decision).

  • To initiate the project (allow the Initiating a Project process to start).
  • To deliver the project’s products (start the delivery stages).
  • To close the project (when the Closing a Project process is done).
  • Provide direction and control during the project.
  • Be the interface to Corporate / Programme Management.
  • Ensure that post-project benefits will be reviewed.


4. Managing a Stage Boundary (SB)

Managing a Stage Boundary process has two main purposes:

  1. The Project Manager will provide the Project Board an overview of the Progress of the current stage, update the Project Plan and Business Case and create a Stage Plan for the next Stage.
  2. This information will enable the Project Board to review the current stage, approve the next stage, review the updated Project Plan, and confirm Continued Business Justification


5. Controlling a Stage (CS)

The purpose of the Controlling a Stage process (CS) is for the Project Manager to assign the work to be done, monitor this work, deal with issues, report Progress to the Project Board and take corrective action to ensure that the stage remains within tolerance.


6. Managing Product Delivery (MP)

The purpose of the Managing Product Delivery process is to manage and control the work between the Project Manager and the Team Manager(s). Products assigned to the team are authorized and agreed upon. The team is clear about what has to be produced and understands the effort, time and cost. The planned products are delivered to the expectations and within tolerance. Accurate Progress information is provided to the Project Manager by the Team Manager.


7. Closing a Project (CP)

The purpose of the Closing a Project process is to provide a fixed point to check that the project has reached its objectives and that the products have been accepted.


Mercurius and Processes

Read more how Mercurius Software will help and support in using the Processes of Prince2 (or any other way of working which is or will be predefined in the system).
