Success is not a good teacher failure makes you humble

People tend to learn from mistakes. However, having success in Project Management makes you addicted to overperforming in Project Management. We think it's okay to have some failures, but we promote success stories in Project Management. Having your work in control makes all related people more happy.

Failure makes you humble

In the past people where acting as 'Project Manager' without sufficient skills and tools. This might make them humble. Nowadays there are proven methodologies (for instance Prince2) for Project Management and high quality tooling (for instance Mercurius Software). The result is that Project Managers are more confident as they have their work in control!

Success stories

It's always great to be part of a success story. It's always nice to be part of succesful projects.

Success is more appreciated when also failures and/or struggles are known.

Every Project Manager is guaranteed to manage a succesful project after at most one cycle with the Mercurius Tooling is completed for one or more projects in the organisation! The tooling guides everyone involved in the project where the Project Manager is guided by the tooling for the specific tasks, deliverables, requirements, communication and steering at each phase of the project.

Invest in Project Management

Why should you invest (Tooling / Training) in something (Project Management Enhancements) which is very succesful? Never change a winning team! Most organisations can improve a lot in Project Management. Focus of Project Management in large organisations is most of the time on hours/costs/approvals and finance. Project Management is so much more....

Short time to market

In case you perceive several issues in Project Management (inconsistent reporting, many project delays, projects not in control, many project failures) please contact us. Have a coffee and we can discuss with you how we can help. Our implementation time is very short. In a few weeks we already have measurable improvements. We ensure a very smooth implementation in your organisation and your IT Landscape.