Project Mining

Project mining is a process used by our consultants and system Mercurius to turn raw project data - from as many as possible running projects - into useful information. By using Mercurius software to look for patterns in large batches of data, businesses can learn more about their processes, procedures and way of working to develop more effective way of working strategies, increase quality of intended results and decrease costs to meet these desired results.

Project Mining on the 7 important project characteristics

1. Smart results

A single definable purpose, end-item or result. This is usually specified in terms of cost, schedule and performance requirements.

We (combination of the Mercurius System and our consultants) like to support your PMO in checking whether each project is defined SMART.

2. Unique results

Every project is unique. It requires the doing of something different, something that was not done previously. Even in what are often called “routine” projects such as home construction, the variables such as terrain, access, zoning laws, labour market, public services and local utilities make each project different. A project is a one-time, once-off activity, never to be repeated exactly the same way again.

We (combination of the Mercurius System and our consultants) like to support your organisation to enhance learnings from past project performance to improve current project performances.

3. Temporary activities

Projects are temporary activities. A project is an ad hoc organization of staff, material, equipment and facilities that is put together to accomplish a goal. This goal is within a specific time-frame. Once the goal is achieved, the organization created for it is disbanded or sometimes it is reconstituted to begin work on a new goal (project).

The Mercurius system helps your Project Managers to manage (share, track and trace) all activities in detail at the relevant level (Tactical, Strategic, Operational). Including the usefull reporting which helps in guiding the way forward.

4. Across Organizational lines

Projects cut across organizational lines. Projects always cut across the regular organizational lines and structures within a firm. They do this because the project needs to draw from the skills and the talents of multiple professions and departments within the firm and sometimes even from other organizations. The complexity of advanced technology often leads to additional project difficulties, as they create task interdependencies that may introduce new and unique problems.

The Mercurius system works across boundaries. It enables thousands of actions to adress for follow up to any project related people (through email/portal).

5. New and unfamiliarity

Projects involve unfamiliarity. Because a project differs from what was previously done, it also involves unfamiliarity. And oft time a project also encompasses new technology and, for the organization/firm undertaking the project, these bring into play significant elements of uncertainty and risk.

The Mercurius system is designed to work with Prince2 Project formats as well as many current companies 'way of working'.

6. Important results

The organization usually has something at stake when undertaking a project. The unique project “activity” may call for special scrutiny or effort because failure would jeopardize the organization/firm or its goals.

The Mercurius system is designed to bring focus in SMART project results/deliverables/requirements.

7. Project Life Cycle

A project is the process of working to achieve a goal. During the process, projects pass through several distinct phases, which form and are called the project life cycle. The tasks, people, organizations, and other resources will change as the project moves from one phase to the next. The organizational structure and the resource expenditures build with each succeeding phase; peak; and then decline as the project nears completion.

The Mercurius system is designed to work with Prince2 Project formats as well as many current companies 'way of working'. We configure it according your specific way of working in case that is preferred.

Mercurius Consulting

Our consultants like to help your organisation with the configuration of the product, the specific consulting and follow up of the execution of the Project Mining.

Together with PMO we create great dashboards and relevant reporting.

Together with Project Managers we arrange smooth introduction of the Mercurius system.

Together with Stakeholders we point at the learning points and/or missing items in the way of working.