Documentation P2Portal

P2Portal related manual

The manual below is related to the P2Portal and is part of the whole framework. The Client related manual can be found in the client itself. The public manual can be found at the public webpages. Special customisation manuals can be found at the landingspage of the Customer Specific-Special-Product. There might be some overlap in manuals.


Hello, I hope you find this Portal useful. This Responsive Portal is part of the Mercurius Software Product. It is a TIER3 Application with a Client-Server-Database Infrastructure connected and integrated with this Responsive Portal. It uses modern web technologies and high security standarts.

The docs include information to understand how the Portal and the Client and Project Management (Prince2 but not necessary Prince2 only) is organized, how to become successful in your projects and how to fit your needs.

Something missing?

If something is missing in the documentation or if you found some part confusing, please send us a message through the system (preferred) or send us a mail( with your suggestions for improvement. We love hearing from you! We can only make this a better product with your input.