
General Checklist Project

Starting Up a Project

Start Up Project (SP)
Receive Project Mandate
Assign Executive and Projectmanager
Collect previous learnings
Create Global Business Case
Assign Projectteam
Select projectapproach
Plan Initiation Phase

General Checklist Project

Initiating a Project

Initiate a Project (IP)
Behoefte op maat maken vaststellen
Deliver Risc Management Approach
Deliver Change Management Approach
Deliver Quality Management Approach
Deliver Communication Management Approach
Deliver Project Control
Deliver Project Plan
Deliver Benefits Management Approach
Deliver Project Initiation Documentation

General Checklist Project

Directing a Project

Directing a Project
Autorise Initiation
Autorise Project
Autorise phase or mutation plan
Ad hoc directing
Autorise Project Closure

General Checklist Project

Managing a Stage Boundary

Managing a Stage Boundary
Plan next management phase
Update Projectplan
Update Business Case
Report Management Phase Closing
Report Deviations

General Checklist Project

Controlling a Stage

Controlling a Stage
Arrange Work Packages
Control and Report
Control Issues and Riscs

General Checklist Project

Managing Product Delivery

Managing Product Delivery
Agree Work Package
Deliver Work Package
Accept Work Package

General Checklist Project

Closing a Project

Closing a Project
Prepare planned closure
Prepare preliminary closure
Handover Products
Evaluate Project
Recommend Project Closure